Victorian Geocache Statistics

Geocaches are classified in several ways, including type, size, difficulty, terrain, and location amongst others. By looking at these classifications, we can review geocaches in the Victorian area to understand which classifications are popular, which are rarer or harder to find, and how geocaches are hidden across the state.

Statistics can also be useful when hiding a geocache as they may help identify rare combinations that could be attractive to the community for completing challenges, achieving personal milestones and ultimately providing a good variety of geocaching options.

These statistics aren’t an indication of the “best” of any particular statistic, and are only one data point. For example whilst Stonnington and Queenscliff LGAs have some of the smallest hide counts in the state, they are equally some of the smallest in terms of land size and population. Therefore it is important to consider other factors when evaluating the opportunities these numbers may present.

(Statistics current as at 17 May 2024)

  1. Geocaches by Type and Size
  2. Geocaches by D/T Matrix
  3. Geocaches by LGA
  4. Geocaches by LGA and Type

Geocaches by Type and Size

Geocaches by D/T Matrix

Geocaches by LGA

Geocaches by LGA and Type

Geocaches by LGA and Size